A grandmother tells her grandchildren the story of her own mama who came to America as a little girl on a boat crossing the Atlantic with her brother. There is a happy reunion with their parents after they see the Statue of Liberty! Many of our own ancestors have shared stories like this with us. Is this story similar to your family's stories? Share your comments on this book!
We have this title in English and Spanish.
dear panama library,
i really enjoyed this book you read in class! i am not really all that sure that my ansestores came like that!?!?! but i do know that my moms side came from sweeden and my dads side cane from germany! after we read that book i want to learn more about immagration and stuff that they did in the old days! bye kelsey 5y
I thought this book was ok.I do not know much about my family's history.
I did like the illustrations.This
isnt really my kind of book.I am
not a history kind of person.
bye ,dustin 5y
This book relate to my ancestors.I also like the book.I think my grandma wil like it and my mom will like it.
We are learnig about labtops in Social Studies. I know I am related to the captain of the May Flower. I am also related to the bad-guy on the May Flower.
I liked the book.I liked the pictures too.My ancestors were very mutch like this book.
I like the book it was grate. My dad's grate, grate, grate grandmother came in from Girmany. But my mom came from Mexico.
I like this book really well because the pitures are neat in it.My ancestors are almost like this book.
My brther and me are both mixes.I am realy happy about my family and that book.
I liked the story alot. I liked the pictures the best. Mr.Powers was talking about this in S.S class.The story was very good.
I think this book is very interesting-I dont know if the story is like my ansestors story for sure yet.
I would like to read more books like this one.
my goal is-to read more often.
My favorite book is Beagle In A Backpack.
PS.I love library
This book was not my favorite but it was ok. The book was some like my Great Grandma and Great Grandpa.They are on my mom's side they are my grandpa's mom and dad. They sailed on a boat to New York from Itlly. The boat that they were on it sunk but they got on some little boats. The boat sunk becauseit hit a nother boat. They didn't get hurt. They were find.
I like this book because it is a different book than other books.And i like the pictures in the book.
I liked the book.Although I forgot to ask my family,I think it might like the book be but a little different than the book.The pictures and the story were amazing itn my opinion it was very cool to listen to.I would love to read it again.It is a book I wouldread over and over again.I loved the book.I wish the author will write another book like that one but based on something else.
I like this story because it was sad and happy at the same time. My great grandma came from poland she didn't know how to speak English then she started to learn English.
I loved the book alot even the pictures were not exactly my favorite I loved the story it is very exiciting I think it was worth the paper!!!!!
i really did not like the book im sory its not my kind of book my ansesters came from germany
love the book but the pics. weren't the best butt thats ok its also ok because I would not read it for a book it to small of a book
I can't relate to this book. I have no clue where my family came from. I don't care for Social Studies much. See ya Kyle 6Y.
i like books
I liked this book. My parents came from Italy. My dad came from germany, Ireland,and, Native American, This book is like my grandma bee who came on boat.
I really like when you read Watch the stars come out in class. I dont know when and how my ancestors got here but i know that my granma came here from france, and my grandpa came here from puerto rico. and last i know that my other granma came here from ireland. i also liked the pitures in the book.I really liked the ending of the book.bye jordan 6y
I didn,t really like it because it was boring! I know that i,m 50% german and part polish also I,m realated to the soon to be governer of plimoth rock and I,m also related to one of the bad guys on the mayflower. My Great uncle Henry is from germany and is a famous geologist.
I liked this book. My parents came from Italy. My dad came from germany, Ireland,and, Native American, This book is like my grandma bee who came on boat.
The book was good. I like some books better. The reson I like the book is because of the ending because it is very soft and enjoyale. I love the illistartions.
I didn't like it but my mom+grandma would. I didn't like it because it was boring!
I though that this book was a really good book.I got told where my mom & and dad's culture is. My mom is poland,irash,and sweadish.Mydad is indian, german. I would love to read this book again.
see yau,
Kati 6Y
i like this book and will not read it agin
LIKE BOOK reminds of imigration hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi ih hi ih hi hi hi hi ih very very very goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
hmm havent relly thought about it. Well its nothing I ever herd before . It was new.It relates to the people who became Americans.
I relly injoyed the book. I thaught it was vary intrestin to me .My ansestorescame from Ireland,france.i loved the book so much i got the book from my cusin.
I liked this book because it related in its own simple way the courage of these young children as they made this journey across the ocean. My great grandparents also made a trip very similar to the one in the story.These people are to be admired for their determination to "become American".
It helped me learn more about immigrants.
I realy like this book.I wish I had this book.
I really enjoyed reading this book.We are learning in Social Studies about immigrants.I really liked this book.
The book was okay. It wasn't the best book ever,but it was good.My family isn't really like the people in the book.I liked the book.bye, nick5b
I realy enjoyed this book.But it's not my kind of book.I'm not saying its a bad book.but it's kind of boring.I don't know alot about my family history.i'm not a history person.Bye!
This book was great.Their ancesters where really cool.I liked it because they where immigrants.
Dear Panama library,
This book is a great book!I am not sure if my ansestores Came like!I am Polish and Italian.This book was a great adventer.So make sure you read it!!!!
I thought that "Watch The Stars Come Out"was a very educational book.It tought me about immigration and how all my anceters came from either Germany,Sweden,and England.I highly reccomend this book.I think my family is like this story.This was the best book ever.
I liked this book really well. I liked this book because it is like what my grandma used to sometimes read me
It was a good book and I liked it.I dont know alot about my familys history.
I liked this book because it had fantastic illastrations.It had great details about the ways when immagrants came to New York City.I don't know about my ancesters.I think that the auther was a great writer.
I liked this book very much becuase it is about ansesters.But the most reasens was that when somebody got sick thay would tri to get them better but if thay could not get them better thay would burrythem on the bottem of the oceans.So the other pepole dont get sick.So thay can go to the other land.
I really liked this book, because we are learning about imigration in social studies!.
I'm pretty positive that most of my ansetors came over that way I really enjoyed this book.
got to go,
This is a sad book. People are geting sick and they are dieing.Another thing is the kids haven't took a bath in 23 days.They sailed on a boat from New York Italy
This book was a huge enjoynment.Although it is a good book, I would recommend it to someone who loves school and history.I loved the illustrations, and the author did a great job telling this story.If you love learning I would recommend this book for you! Sincerely,Allison 5B
I loved the book .it reminds me of the time when my great grandma rode a boat.she moved because the world war two.this book is very deltealing. I think the auther should ride more great books. but he shoul write more stories aout animal's and dinosaurs.
bye Hanna 5B
The illistrations were cool and the book all together is awsome
I liked the book. My great grandma was from Germany and came over to new york in a boat during World war 2.
I like the pictures i like the story because is ainterestant and i like to talk abaut stars and i like this book because is for kids and sometimes i learn abaut somethings and i realy like this book i hope the other people like to
thank you !!!!
I thought that the book realy inspring
niI was so happy that y read this book because it was very interesting i learned alot about mi ansestors because know a know tha i come frome a lot of countries thankyou to the to teachers of the library you left my very happy
I thought that the book was very interesting and it was like my mom's story of her family and my dad's story also, but I am not a big fan of reading but it realy interested me so I read many more after that one. I'm not sure where I was from but my family is from Irealand I thought it was cool to be Irish well BYE!
I did not like the book becase i like other books becase there more intersting then that one.
I thought the book was pretty good . There are better books in the world . I like this book. like it because i like the pictures +the words there calm a soft. I just plain out sort of like this book.
I really liked the book ''Watch The Stars Come Out. I think the illistrations are very great.I really think sometime i might check out.I think this book has a great plot and is alot like my ansestors.When i was listing to the it was so much like when my parents told me a story when i was little.I really liked the book.
This book was fun and very interesting.
see ya
from k.gun
i think that it is a pretty good book.
It was okay but it was boring but my mom would like it.
i liked the book Watch The Stars, but it was a little boring but it was boring when we learned it in social studies to and a little intresting. i liked the pictures too!! I like the other books too that you read. my great great great gramna is from sweden and told me that she went to newyork on a boat and when she saw that statue of liberty her heart was so happy
This is a great book for people who enjoy a brief summery of certain events and great pictures.This personally was not my favorite book,I like more detailed books but I am sure you will like this book about life as an immigrant and I hope you continue to read more we the people books.
Jordan 6b
I liked this book because it's about the people that came to America on a boat from Italy. I don't know where my ancestors came from but still a great book. Jordan
the book was really inspireing! and i finaly know where my familly came from!!!!!!!!!
this wass the apsolut best!
I loved this book and the illistrations to.this book is somewhat like this.
i thought the book was ok, becouse its not the kind of book i would chose to read. i did not like the pictures becouse they were to cartoonish.
I like the book it was good but not my favorite.I do not think that my family came over like that.I like library but I do not like to read.
I diddent care for the book.I PRAFER game magazens.
I think it was a good book to read.
I recommend this book. It is a good book because it is about teo childern that go on a boat to meat there parents.they have a old lady taking them but they just me the old women.The woman ends up dieing on the boat.But in the they mak it.When they get to there house they take a bath.then a little bit later they eat then go to bed.i highly recommend this book.I dont no much about my family but is still like this book.I think if you read this book you may enjoy this book you may not but i like it i hope tou do to.=-)
I think this Book was okay, I don't like books that take place in the old days. I'm pretty sure that my mom's side came from Sweden!! and my dad's side came from IRELAND!!!!!!!!
The book was ok but I would rather read BMX magazines and other books that are a lot better.This is isn't really my kind f book.I know a littel bit about my family hiostory.
I really liked that book.It was cool and it was amazing how the difference between today and long ago.As i was listning to the teacher i was happy for the family when they found there dad and mom.I was sad for that grandma that died and she tried her best to whatch them kids.
I really like the book.I love the colorfull pages printed in the book.It realy Inspired me to think about the lies aboutthere lives.I highly sugjest this book to any one who love histery.
Dear Panama Libraty,
I really enjoyed this book.I hope that we read a book like this one again.Im not that shure about my ansestores.But I now that I am German!! I like the picture of when everybody is crowded in the beds!! I cant bieleve that in the the old days they had to bath in yhe sink!! It was sad when the grandma died:(
I loved the book!
this is a good book bu i have my ups and downs
<(-_-)> about it. 1 thing that i think is not to good about the book.i think that i this bok dosent have that good picurtes.i also wnt to say that i dont no much about my family history but it is ok.i do reccommend it.well thats all i have to say.but i still reccommend this book.ty(thenk you) for reading this i hope u read this book it is verry gooooooooooood.
I really like this book.I would prefer to let some body else use it. I think other people would love this book.
It was very good and well written book. =-)
Dear Panama readers,
Me and my class mates really enjoyed the book!
When the old laddie died it was sad but when she ate all there dried fruit I thought that wasnt very
nice.I barrrily now any of my famiy background.
But alll and all the book was very, very, very
Heather 5G
I thoug this book was veary nice.But I did not caer for it because it was not my kind of book.It did not remied me of my famly because I do not know veary mouch about them.
I highly reccommend this book because this book was a very very good book and it had beautiful pictures.
I enjoyed the book because it teaches kids about their ancestors and it has great pictures. I think that it's a very cute litte book.
I kinda liked the book even though I don't read picture books much. My mom side came from England and dads Germany.
I think this book was ok. I don't know if I like it or not.
I did not like the book but I liked the picters. I have read some better books.
The book was o.k., but I will not read it again!!!
I realy liked the book because it reminded me of when I was 5 years old my grandma read that book to me .
I liked the book and the pics. it was really cool. i liked learning about it. it had a really great story and i will probably read it again someday. i do know that some of amy ancestores came from IRELAND and GERMANY. Good Book!!
hanna, 6G <3 : )
I liked this book because of the illustrations. Also it reminds of how my Grandma Eccles came from Italy.
I really didn't like this book very much but I would recomend I't to some people I know.
Book name: Watch The Stars Come Out
I liked the book but I won't read it again, unless I have to read it to my little babysitters grand daughters and they are 4 and 6 they love it when I read them stories.
me myself i didnt realy like it
It was an ok story for little kids. I mean don't get me
wrong I liked it and it was true to history and all I just think that more little kids would enjoy this than I would. If I was a little kid I would really like this book but now that I'm older I like other types of books. Overall It was a good story and it was a nice one.
This is not a kind of book i will read again.I did not like the pictures in the book.
I really liked the book and the pictures because it reminded me of how all those people had to immigrate from all those places around the world!
The book was very intresting! I dont really know where my ansestores came from, but I did here that my grandma came from Poland and part of the rest of my family came from Scottland. I really enjoyed the book, thank you, Crystal Sk 6G
This book was interesting and boring. Interesting because it is cool to learn about the history of family and just plain peoples that you might have never even heard of. It was boring because history is not always fun but most of the time you want to learn about the stuff that is about your freedom.
I learned more because I read the book in spanish and I was so happy because I asked my mom where do I come from ? Thank you to everyone that chose this book to read in class. I am so happy bye bye
thank you
I thought that this book was very good. I really liked to look at the pictures.
I thought that this book was very good. I really liked to look at the pictures.
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