Comment on this: This short story seems so real and so fantastic at the same time. What makes it seem so real? What makes it seem so fantastic?
OR comment on this: Use your imagination to think of a creature that would respond to a different sound. Name the sound and describe the creature!
It is a monster that responds to the turning of a page in a book. The monster hears the crisp and flip of the page, then it comes out of its home at the top of the Ifle Tower. It comes down when it hears the sound, and it tracks down the book by the sound of each flip. There are so many pages in some books, that it can keep track of where it is.
Just think of a 100 page book. There are almost 100 flips so each flip would lead him closer to the book. Once he hears the sound of one book, he can cancel out the sound of the books. Since there are so many books, he needs to have this ability. He must have big ears track the sound to its exact location. It would take him too long to climb down the Tower. So instead he takes in a huge breath, and his body puffs up like a balloon. with all the air in him he floats down the ifle tower, and uses the winds to float him to the sound's source. If the wind starts to take him in a different direction then the sound, he exhales his breath so he gos to the ground. Then he waits for the next gust of wind and takes it again. That is the monster of the Ifle Tower.
The creature is the Egyptianpolidis it was a dinosaur that could kill Tyranosaurus-rex by cracking its neck
in half!It lived in and out of the water it is belived that its teeth were bigger than the size of a full grown man's arm!I am not very sure what its "call" is like, but I am pretty sure it is a horible disturbing and deafing sound! This is one of the most horible creatures during it's time.
Patrick, I really enjoyed your description of the dinosaur! Now I want to know what sort of sound it would respond to. Post again, please!
The Giant Gotheigon and the
Once apon a time in a far away land, where thuderstorms come olny once a year, lived a giant gothegon. The gotheigon was as beautiful as the falling sun, she has wings like a airplane so she can sour though the air like a eagle. She lost her husband in a war. Her voice was the sound of the thunder in a thunderstorm. She longs for her husband, so when ever it thunder she comes out of her hiding spot and chases the thunder
with her masive wings. THE END.
I enjoyed the book the fog horn. it seems so real cause of the details, they use. like when they said the monster is a beast from head to toe. also when they said the noise it made was so fearful. i really enjoyed this book and think we sould read more about this mystery stuff!
I am guessing it was a pre-historical type thing not something you would see on a average basis.it could of been a whale for all I know?
I would think it would be a monster that will responds to me. The sound would be a alarm clock that would wake me up for school. The monster would be a large green smelly chicken.
I would be a monster that would tell me what time it would be and it would sound like a Big Fat Cow in the afternoon.
I think the creature sounds like a cow early in the mornig. I think it could be a big huge green mean machine cow that lives in water. i know that sounds funny but i have a wild imagination. and that was a vvvveeeerrrryyyy good book too!
I could be a pre- historical thing i guess. I think you would not see it walking down the street on your average day
The monsters name is Big Bird.It has a long neck and sreeches at a high pitch at the other people.It is yellowish.It is over 20 feet and over 100 years old.It lives in the ocean.It attacks light houses and eats light houses with kids in it with their parents.
The fog horn was a very good book. In the story there is a monster. The monster is very huge. But is makes a wird sound. It sounds like an air horn from a boat. When I's Foggy out side they may pull it and the other driver will know someone there. Well all and all the book was very good.
The monsters name is a Klimpo. It lives in trees in Canada. It responds and makes the sound of a burp. It is bluish and greenish with a fluffy tail. It eats acorns and squirrels. It is 37 inches tall and 304 years old.
Hey, wait a minute! Some of you didn't read the original post and have not answered the question I asked!
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